Do Great Things Lewy

Several months ago, maybe as ling as a year ago, when I turned to the Internet to read up on LBD, I ran across the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center. I’m not sure how I arrived there but at the web site discussed LBD and the need for brain donations of people who had been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

So I filled out their forms figuring if nothing else, Lewy’s suffering might help someone else. So much time elapsed I had completely forgotten about it until a couple of days ago a packet arrived from Harvard with the initial round of paperwork.

Reading the material now that Lewy is going down pretty fast was a shock to my system. Before, it was far enough away I didn’t have to think about what it all meant. But now, here it is…and there Lewy is, lost in his own little world for most of the day.

I filled out the forms, sealed up the postage paid return enveloped and sent it on its way.

Now I have to inform his doctor that we wish to make this donation and get everything lined up and in place before….well before…you know. I just can’t even write it down. Even with Lewy’s suffering, I am not yet prepared to loose him. He dies a little more each day, ever so slowly, and ever so surely.

I guess I’m telling you this because perhaps you might want to do the same thing. They need brains, sick ones and healthy ones.

But mostly I’m telling you because, my Dad, Lewy, who never had a chance at a real education is going to get to go to Harvard.

Do great things at Harvard Lewy. Give them the secrets you hold in your head.

Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center