Don’t Rock the Boat

Lewy was busy today. The workers were here with the backhoes, and there was a long line of them outside waiting to be paid. Our house gets painted everyday and every night the dust from the workers falls in Lewy’s mouth.

The dog had puppies today. It’s only been 3 days since the last litter. I think it had been only a couple of days before that she had another. Busy girl. Lewy also thinks she has a penis. He is however, in a better position to know these things than I am since she talks to him and tells him what all these people do when he’s not looking. She no doubt talks about her puppies too.

All proud parents do.

A few days ago I was convinced that Lewy might need to use his wheelchair all the time. Today he was getting about fairly well. He walked from room to room to inspect what all the workers were doing, because “you know they will cheat you if you don’t stay on ‘em.” Well Lewy stayed on ‘em. Every time we passed each other he would whisper something about this one or that one that is stealing our stuff or sleeping in the truck.

You watch ‘em Lewy. ……No, I won’t pay the ones that are sleeping…I promise. That was the easiest promise to keep I have ever made.

After a bit of puttering about the house I noticed I hadn’t seen Lewy in the last few minutes….I better go check on him. There in the middle of his bedroom he is standing staring at the floor. I go on about my business. After a few minutes more I pass Lewy’s bedroom again. Lewy is still standing there, still staring at the floor. I go on about my business.

“Hey Polly! Polly!”

“Yeah Dad, what’s up?”

“What do you want me to wear today?”

“What you have on.”

“Don’t you want me to change clothes?”

“No, we did that already.”

“We did?”

“Yeah, we did.”

”What do you want me to wear?”

“How about nothing?”……..”Come on Daddy, lets go sit down”. I took his hand and leaned away from him. It’s about the only way to unfreeze him that I’ve found. Come on take that first step.

Come on, move your feet……You can do it. Take that first step.

“I will. I’m just waiting for the boat to quit rocking.”

You stand right there Pappy. I’ll go get the wheelchair.