I Have to Pee

It’s another lovely day here in Lewy Land. Lewy has recently decided that the bathroom is not the place to go when an urge hits. This is particularly true when it is bed time and I’m trying to get him to go pee.

He has instead decided that the portable potty is the perfect thing to use rather than actually going to the toilet. Certainly, if it’s not going to be the commode he uses, then the porta-potty is the next best choice.

The entire time I’m undressing him and getting him in his pajamas I’m asking Lewy “Do you need to go pee?” Always the answer is” No.”

But I continue to ask, because you just never know when the answer might change.

After getting Lewy in his PJs, he decided to use the portable unit beside his bed. OK, use it.

Lewy shuffled over to the potty and slowly eased down onto the seat.

Oh geez, he’s got gas. I have my little show fit, and leave the room to go get the air freshener. I use a lot of that stuff. The smells are at times just over whelming.

Back in the room with Lewy, I start spraying. He farts. I spray. He farts.

Now tell me guys, why are farts so funny? Is it just because of the rise you get out of us women who bitch about it? Whatever it is, Lewy was laughing and farting.

Plunk. Plunk. Plunk plunk.

Ooooooo, now there’s more to clean out of the potty than I had expected. I hope they will flush….

Lewy started to get up. “Have you wiped?” “Yes.” “No you haven’t. There’s no toilet paper in here.” “Well I was going to.” ………Reminded me of being a little kid and lying about not doing what I obviously had done. At what age do you figure out that it doesn’t work? What ever age that is, Lewy has regressed beyond it.

OK… let me go get you some paper.

“Where do you want me to put it?”

“In the potty is fine.” I left the room to go get some wet wipes for him to wipe his fingers on. Upon returning he had cleaned his behind and took the wet nap and began to wipe his hands. For some dumb reason I left the room again. When I got back, I asked Lewy where the wet nap was. “I threw it in the pot with the other.”

Oooo!! Yuk! OK, how am I going to fish that out? Very disgusting. Perhaps it was a mistake to have put water and comet in the potty earlier.

Lewy gets up, I help him pull up his pants, and he toddles off toward the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“To the bathroom. I have to pee.”
