A Trip to Lewyville

Lewy here.

It was another long night last night. I’ve been sleeping in my recliner lately. That cute little nurse says I have to do that until these places on my feet get better. At first it was better than sleeping in the bedroom, what with all that drywall work going on, but it seems the workmen have finished the work in there. Now they are working on the ceiling right above my recliner. I don’t get much sleep because I have to keep an eye on the workers. If I don’t they will slack off and try to cheat Pauline out of their pay. And they get drywall dust everywhere. I keep getting that damn dust in my mouth and it sticks my tongue to my mouth. Then when Pauline finally gets up to help me I can hardly talk. It takes me almost an hour to un-stick my tongue so she can understand me.

I got up to pee seven times last night but I was still wet this morning. Those men that live in the tents outside the window came in and poured water on me again. It is just water but when Pauline comes in she seems to think it has an awful smell. She helps me change clothes and get ready for that cute little nurse to come see me today. After she helps me dress I remind her that I need my pills. I always have to remind her. She brings my pills with my breakfast; Chocolate cookie cake and oranges; Goes good with the coffee.

The nurse comes and washes my feet. She wears this funny uniform that has flowers growing out of it. Pauline knows about flowers but when I ask her about the nurse’s uniform she says the flowers are not real. I don’t understand why she says that. All I want to know is if the nurse has to water the flowers or if they get all their water from the washing machine. I know all about washing machines. I learned about them in the Navy.
I know that the nurse came by but I don’t remember much of it. When she washed my feet she kept calling me Daddy. Pauline calls me that sometimes. I decided to take a nap. I like naps a lot. When I woke up Pauline asked me to get up and come to the kitchen. I tried to but they moved the kitchen while I was asleep and it took me a while to find it. Finally Hubbie started my scaffolding for me and I was able to get to my seat in the kitchen.

Pauline is my daughter. I used to have a son but that was a long time ago. Pauline is my daughter and she has made me a chocolate pie for my birthday. I ate a big piece but not as much as the coconut pie that she made me for my birthday last week. I like coconut pie. That “Daddy” guy knows a lady that used to make him coconut pie. Sometimes I get to see her in his dreams. She looks familiar to me. I wonder if I knew her too.

After my birthday pie I ate some peanut butter crackers. The jelly Pauline gave me didn’t have much flavor but Hubbie got my hot sauce and that made it taste better. Hubbie gives me whatever I want to eat. I need to remember to pay him for the hot sauce.

I asked Hubbie if I needed any pills. He just looked dumb and then went to ask Pauline. Then he came back and gave me my pills. He seems like a good boy. Maybe not to bright though.

I tried to take a nap after I ate but Hubbie kept telling me I should get back in my recliner to do that. He seems to think I may hit my head on the counter if I sleep in the kitchen. I try to explain that if they would put the kitchen back the way it was then I could sleep there. He doesn’t understand. Sometimes I don’t think he is very smart. Maybe his is trying to get more of my money. I know he made a million dollars selling my electricity generating machine.

Finally Pauline comes over to take me to the recliner but she says I have to go pee first. I do need to pee. I haven’t been able to for three days because the threshold in the floor is not calibrated right. I tried to get the drywall foreman to have a man fix it but he said they would have to bring a man in from the city. I guess he got someone in today because Pauline said that the threshold had been fixed. The workers have moved the bathroom again but Pauline found it for me and I went to pee. She said it was OK so I took a crap too. This time the dooky came out on its own. I didn’t have to get the spoon.

Back in my chair Pauline gets me a blanket and tucks it around my feet. Bullger, the fuzzy dog, jumps up in my lap and curls up. I like Bullger. She keeps me warm while I nap. She and I take turns keeping an eye on the workmen. Good dog.

Mmmmm…..hrrrmmm. Aurrmm..hrmm……mmmm. Where is everybody?................ Did they leave me here alone?............. Did they go home without me?.............PAULINE?...................PAULINE? ……………“Where have you been?”……………………”Yes I need you to help me.”………………..“I gotta go pee.”

I take a long time to get to the bathroom but at least this time they have not moved it. When I got out of the bathroom I wanted to go to the kitchen. It was easier this time because the workmen have installed a new elevator. I got to the kitchen and found the chocolate bars. I like chocolate. It’s the only food that doesn’t need hot sauce to give it flavor. Hubbie brought me some milk to go with the chocolate. He looked at me funny when I asked for the jelly to go in it but he did get it for me. The boy just does not know what good eats are.

Good Eats is a term I learned from my TV friend. I don’t know his name but Pauline calls him Albon or Elton or something like that. When he is on TV he cooks while he and I discuss business. He wants to open a restaurant but I want to use the money we won on that game show to open a car wash.

I finished my milk and chocolate and then took the elevator back to my recliner. Hubbie was sitting in his chair. My chair was blocked by more of those damn lines and markers. I began to push the lines out of the way and I saw Hubbie watching me. He always does that when I’m trying to get these things out of my way. Maybe he puts them here. All I know is that I have to push them aside or pick them up and move them so I can get to my chair. Finally I get sat down and Hubbie brings me my blanket. He’s a pretty good boy. I should give him a tip.

Mmmmm…..hrrrmmm. Aurrmm..hrmm……mmmm. I can see the window and its dark outside. The men working in the field have set up their tents for the night; looks like they are cooking dinner. There is a little girl sitting on the couch next to Bullger. Hubbie is asleep in his recliner. Pauline is not here.

“Hubbie”……………..”Hubbie”……………..He pretends not to hear me. Then behind me I hear, “What do you need Daddy?” Who is that? Oh. Pauline. She is dressed up to go out. She helps me pee and then gets me my pills. I tell her I don’t want the pill that makes me pee at night. She says “OK” but she doesn’t take any pills away. I don’t understand.

I’m tired but Pauline says it is only 7:30.

“What time you got?”

“Ten minutes till eight.”

“I think I’ll hit the fart sack.”………………”What?”………………..”Oh.”……………………“So that my feet will heel up?”…………….”OK”

“OW!!!”..............Bullger just laid down on my balls!!

“Good night all.”

“Good night Lewy.”

“Good night.”

“Good night Daddy.”

“Good night.”

Is that what Lewy’s days are like to him? I don’t know. It’s just a guess. I do know one thing. If he would take my advice and imagine naked ladies instead of drywall workmen then I could sell this story to a different web site and make some money.
