Happy Birthday Lewy

It’s a terrible thing when you forget your Father’s 84th birthday. But sure enough, that’s what I did. In my defense, it happened on a Sunday, and that was one of those recently that I had to go into the office to work on a project that was going out whether we were done with it or not. Needless to say, my mind was not on Lewy’s birthday.

Lewy’s favorite thing in the world, as far as I know was Momma’s homemade coconut cream pie. I must say, it was yummy. With this in mind before the big day, I had gone to the grocery and gotten the coconut, and no way am I doing a pie crust, so I purchased a graham cracker crust.

Lewy’s birthday came and went. I realized two days later, when it was Hubbie’s birthday, that I had managed to forget about them both. Good job there, Pauline.

As far as Lewy was concerned there was no realization that the day had passed. He is never sure what season or year it is much less a specific day. Therefore, I saw no reason to apologize; I just waited for the project to be issued, when I could then take the time to make Lewy’s pie.

I got out my Mother’s cookbook, one she had gotten from an older lady when she and Daddy got married and bought their first house. This cookbook is so old it tells you how to select a good live bird, kill it, clean it, and only then cook it. No canned anything in there.

So while Lewy slept I got out the double boiler and started making Lewy’s pie. As with any cream pie, it needs to be refrigerated for a while to set up properly. In the fridge it went.

That evening Lewy woke up for his suppertime meal. I got him his pills and a drink, and settled him in at the kitchen counter.

I went to the fridge and pulled out Lewy’s homemade coconut cream pie and set it down in front of him.

It could not have been better than to see Lewy’s eyes light up. He may not know where he is, but he sure knows pie. Think of Homer Simpson…..uuuummm pie…..Although I did have the fear that it would become as Homer says “Floor pie” because Lewy gets such a grip on everything. By holding on the one side of the pie, I managed to keep it on the counter rather than in Lewy’s lap.

Lewy the night before had trouble holding his spoon and getting it anywhere near his mouth. It was similar to watching a falling down drunk try to touch his nose. Not even close…..so for the first time, I fed Lewy his supper…..That was yesterday.

Today, Lewy grabbed that pie with his left hand and the table spoon with his right and started shoveling. He cored out the center of the pie, taking enormous bites that would choke most people. I just held onto the pie plate….

Lewy ate the full 10 inch pie. I never said “Happy Birthday”. I guess because making the pie, and watching him enjoy it so much, did me more good than it did him. I have not seen Lewy enjoy anything so much in years…. maybe since the last time Momma made coconut cream pie.

I know I’ve never enjoyed a pie so much… Even without taking a single bite.

No doubt, Lewy is going to have another “birthday” real soon.


Stella said...
And another Happy Birthday to Lewy from Louisiana. Yes, I'm sure you will be making more pie.

Pauline said...
Thanks Stella.

Louisiana.... Geaux Tigers! Momma was from LA. From Bastrop, Bonita, Monroe, Turkey Trot area. Some of the best cooks and pie eaters in the world down there.

oldfriend said...
I'm with Lewy, coconut cream pie is the best thing this side of ..well you know! HB,Lewy.

Daffy said...
I'm delighted to find your blog!!! Exactly what so many of us need. A place to really tell it like it is and know you all understand.I am caregiver to nearly 92 yr old Daddy with early to mid stage ALZ and my 75 yr old hubby with Lewy. Horrible hallucinations and paranoia. These "people" are everywhere and steal his stuff. He mumbles-his tongue doesn't enunciate so there's a lot of yelling back and forth. I will come back and tell you my tales when I have more time. Thanks for being here. Gayle-in-the Boonies

Pauline said...
Bless your heart "Daffy/ Gale in the Boonies". I cannot imagine having two LOs to care for! You are welcome to write here about it anytime. Click on "Contact Us" we will get the message...