Knight in Shining Armor

After a day long nap that lasted into the night…completely through the NCAA Women’s Championship Game….Hubbie and I talked about how it was sort of like being alone again, even though Daddy was in the room.

That reminded me of my friend Meredith that had her dearly departed dog stuffed and brought home. I asked her if that would not feel weird; weird to have the dead sitting there in the living room with you?

But this is not much different. We have the near dead in the living room with us. Lewy only wakes up occasionally for something to eat or drink.

Then I had to chuckle a bit. Back when I was really stupid and 16 years old, in order to get out of the house, ran off and got married to the local almost hood. We didn’t tell anyone for a couple of weeks, then were ratted on by an employee of my Dad’s girlfriend who was the nurse that drew our blood for the tests. She recognized my last name.

Well there we were. Married. Momma crying loudly about me doing that to her…Daddy was just quiet. Mad quiet. He was practical, and realized what was done was done and everybody might as well get used to it.

Of course getting married to get out of the house worked….John moved in with me and the folks. Talking about tense. Daddy didn’t help anything either by not ever saying anything.

I don’t recall for sure if it was our first night at the house together but it probably was…John and I excused ourselves to go back to my – our bedroom to watch TV, and get away from the parents. We were in the room just long enough to get into our sleepwear…for me my jammies, for John, not much; not much at all.

We had gotten in the bed and turned on the TV. There was a peck at the door.


Daddy opened the door, wide open walked in with cokes and snacks, had me get out of the bed – he crawled in next to John, then invited me back in.

Yep. He sat there between us and watched TV until he could stand it no longer, and finally gave up and went to his own bed.

He protected me as long as he could.

Stella said...
Yes! Always was a man of few words. Gotta love him.