Condition Update

Today was one of those now rare days when Daddy was somewhat lucid. He ate more food than he has in the last 3 days combined and drank several glasses of juice/Ensure/chocolate Milk. I made him biscuits, bacon, fried potatoes with onions, and gravy. All of that went into the blender and came out a rather pasty brown blob, but Daddy gobbled bit up along with two fried eggs.

After eating he wanted to talk about his business and how much he sold the land for. Where his money is and who’s watching the store. He’s very worried about the business all the workers and being sure no body cheats him and that everyone got paid. It seems running your own business never ends. I’m glad I’m just a working stiff. Now maybe all I will worry about is not getting fired or meeting my deadlines. Much less stress than having to always be meeting payroll.

Days like this are wonderful in that there are those passing moments when it’s Daddy not Lewy talking, and you think, “He’s getting better!’…but he’s not. Even in stage seven, Lewy has a stage 6 day now and then. After all the disappointing upturns in the past, I know that this one will only be fleeting then the aftermath is always a deeper downturn.

I am being better about wetting Lewy’s mouth and lips. But I’m being more like I think a nursing home would be by giving him his “meds” when he probably doesn’t need them, just to give myself a break from the constant babbling and questioning that goes on while Lewy is awake. I’m becoming a church mouse. No noise! No noise!!

Lewy does not know what decade it is. He does not know where he lives. He thinks we are plotting to make him go somewhere else. It must be frightening to not know where you are or if you are going to be tossed out any minute. Lewy tries to bargain with us about the worth of the work he does around here. I’m not positively clear whether he is referring to when he really did put in a hard days work here every day or if in his dreams he’s working hard…probably both. He figures he’s earned his keep because of his sweat contribution.

No doubt he has.

Tomorrow the Hospice ladies return, Maybe the suction will come off the right foot.

Stella said...
Hold that thought about the suction coming off. He will have more freedom... more freedom to run his business. I'm sure the extra income will be helpful.

old friend said...
I'm out here...thinking of you, ringy dingy's!!!