Thank You

As Hubbie was leaving for work this morning, he said Lewy was asleep but half out of the bed. So I got up out of bed, and went to check on him.

Lewy was in the bed from the waist up. He had his legs over the edge, feet crooked on the floor, and completely uncovered. I ask him what was going on.


Let’s put you back in bed.

“I been calling you all night. You never come. Why do you want me dead?.”

Daddy, I can’t hear you at night. And I’ve tried to explain to you, I cannot stay awake 24 hours a day. I have to sleep too.

“You don’t care about me, or you would come.”

I reached down to get his feet to lift his legs back up on the bed. Ever touched a dead person? His legs were that cold and stiff. I got him back in bed with Hubbie’s help, covered him up, and shortly there after was the wonderful sound of snoring.

When Lewy decided to go to bed last night, he went in and started pulling his sweat shirt up over his head, and got stuck. So I helped him take it off. And I asked what do you want to wear to sleep in? He picked up the shirt we had just taken off, and we put it right back on.

That should have been clue that it would be a bad night. When we put Lewy to bed last night, everything seemed normal. After he was down, the usual is to hear snoring within 3 minutes. Not this time.

After about 5 minutes, there came all this hollering from his room. We jumped up ran in to find Lewy sitting up on the side of his bed.

What’s the matter?

“I have to get outta here. I need to walk; I can’t get rid of this headache.”

Lately Lewy has had a lot of headaches. Something I’ve never known him to complain about. But they have been going on now for a few weeks.

I just gave you your pain pill.

It ain’t doing no good.”

After getting him back in bed, I thought things would settle down. Six or seven minutes later, he’s back up. Same thing, wanted another pain pill, and it repeated twice more. I finally just said I have to go to bed.

He is wearing me out. I stay up to midnight and later, with his getting up and carrying on, and am back up at 6 AM to deal with him. I’m at the point now where I need meds to get to sleep. The dentist gave me a thing to stick in my mouth at night to stop me from clinching my TMJ jaw. I think I’m going to start wearing it in the day time too. I find I’m stressed to the limit with trying to cope with the fussing and complaining, and then to be told that I don’t care about him.

Then after getting Lewy up, stripping the bed of pee sheets, getting him cleaned up and dressed, with him fighting me the whole time, when Lewy had worked my last nerve, he reached out and hugged me, and said “thank you.”

Something he’s never done before.

Two minutes later he was staring at the wall.
