
I just wanted to thank you for the information on the blog
My poor mum is in the last days of her life, with LBD having suffered a few years
I am so so sad that I can doing nothing to help her, she no longer eats, has not spoken for three weeks and is lying in a hospital bed, very very sleepy, her finall intravenous fluids ran out last evening and the staff have stated there will be no more given, she looks so ill, her lips are so dry and her skin so pale, I fear the end is almost upon us and I wanted to educate my self for the final dread.

Thank you once more

best wishes



Thank you Mark. I needed the information you gave about the last days. It is so hard to get any definate answer about the timing because LBD is so poorly understood.

All- Please check out mark's web sites and if you can donate to Mark's fundraising page. J-A-C-K (Joining Against Cancer in Kids) is a newly formed charity, to benefit the fight against Neuroblastoma.

We want to find the cure Neuroblastoma. Lives are being lost now to this awful disease and the cure could be around the corner. We want to hire a scientist in this country (UK) to prevent kids having to travel to the U.S. for life saving treatment.

What a wonderful effort. Again, thank you Mark
